What are your clinic hours?

We are open from:

get & stay well –  Sunday – Thursday €" 8 am to 8 pm | Friday – Off | Saturday – 9 am to 6 pm

feel well Retreat  – Sunday – Thursday – 8 am to 8 pm | Friday & Saturday – 9 am to 6 pm

Do you offer direct billing with insurance companies?
Our doctors will gladly offer to fill out a claim form for you, so you'll be able to submit it to your insurance company for reimbursement.
What are your methods of payment?

In the DHTC we offer credit card, debit card and online payment, besides you can find an ATM machine very close by at the ENOC petrol station.

How do I know which practitioner/doctor to visit?

Please contact our customer service team, for further assistance. You can reach them via +971 4335 1200 or  on

Do I need a consultation before doing an Ozone Therapy?
Since every individual is unique, we highly recommend you to consult with our healthcare practitioner about the use of Ozone Therapy in your particular situation.
Do I need a consultation when I go for Colon Hydrotherapy?
Since every individual is unique, we highly recommend you to consult with our healthcare practitioner about the use of Colon Hydrotherapy in your particular situation.
What is an ImuPro300 test?
ImuPro300 is the most accurate and detailed food intolerance test (blood test) available anywhere in the world. To learn more about food intolerance click here.
How effective are the holistic treatments you're offering?
Integrative/holistic medicine has proven to be very effective for many people. Treatment approaches attempt to get to the root cause of the issue, and are often much less invasive and more cost-effective. The DHTC can report on many of their own success stories, especially with infertility, heart disease and detoxification. Ask our doctors/practitioners and they will be delighted to tell you about it.
Do you have Hijama?
We offer Chinese cupping which is most similar to Hijama.
What is the difference between an Ayurveda body massage and a Tui Na Body massage?

Abhyanga massage is a gentle but firm whole body massage from head to toe using a range of warm medicated oils. This inviting massage therapy is done in a soft rhythmic way.

Tui Na massages uses rhythmic compression along energy channels of the body, as well as a variety of techniques that manipulate and lubricate the joints. Like acupressure, Tui Na directly affects the flow of energy by holding and pressing the body at acupressure points.

Do you sell raw herbs?
According to our holistic approach herbs are medicine. Due to this fact we sell our medical herbs only after prior prescription to make sure to meet your current physical situation.
Do you have a prayer room?

Yes, we have a dedicated Prayer Room.  Please ask our staff for assistance.