We believe the human body is one holistic system, just as the earth is. Carelessness with Mother Earth and the life on it will hurt us in the End!
That's why exemplary performance in the areas of health, environmental protection and animal welfare is essential to fulfil our responsibility and meet the expectations of our patients. DHTC management is committed to this philosophy. We achieve this by constant education in health matters to ensure the best holistic healthcare in the region, saving natural resources and supporting non-profit organisations.
We have some simple rules here at the Dubai Herbal & Treatment Centre which will make a difference if everyone observes them properly.
They are:
- Switch off the light if you don't need it
- Use water, paper and plastic as little as possible and only as much as necessary
- Recycle paper and plastic waste
- Recycle medical waste properly in the designated incinerator
Why this is this so important for us? For example all the chemicals in plastics waste enter our food chain as they are consumed by ocean life. This means we are poisoning fish, an important source of protein, with our toxic waste. That's why the Dubai Herbal and Treatment Centre uses paper bags in the pharmacy, recycles as much waste as possible and supports the non-profit organisation PlasticNotSoFantastic.
Our initiative has been certified by The British Standards Institution (BSI).
€¢ Environmental Management System ISO 14000:2015
€¢ Quality Management System ISO 9008:2015
We are also participating at the FUTURE GREEN annual exhibition to showcase our eco-friendly products and services and to learn more about what we can do to ensure a greener and safer future.
Organic products:
Did you know that by eating an average apple you are consuming over 30 pesticides, even after you have washed it?
The average quality of food has been decreasing since the Second World War. For instance, research has shown that the level of vitamin C in today's fruit bears no resemblance to the levels found in wartime fruit. Organic food and products are known to contain 50% more nutrients, minerals and vitamins than produce that has been intensively farmed.
That's why we try to use and sell organic products as much as possible.
Animal Welfare:
Mahatma Gandhi once said €œYou can judge a society by how they treat their weakest members €" the animals €. DHTC strongly believes that the way animals are treated matters to animals and to people. Whether we rely on them for food, revenue, companionship or to help balance our ecosystems. Animals play an important role in our lives and we should respect their intrinsic value. Humane and responsible management of animals can positively impact people, the environment, individual animals and species and make animal welfare an effective tool to help achieve sustainable development. The Dubai Herbal and Treatment Centre supports K9 Friends to help our dogs to achieve a better life.
Our motto is: Help yourself by protecting Mother Earth.